Windows CCM Cache eats diskspace

Don’t delete the content of „c:\windows\ccmcache\“ manually with the File-Explorer:

  • it is managed by „Windows System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)“.

You need „local Administrator“ access to your computer.

Let SCCM to cleanup it’s cache for you:

1) open the „Control Panel“

Control Panel – Configuration Manager

2) select „Configuration Manager“

3) go to „Cache“-Tab

4) click „Delete Files“

Configuration Manager – Delete Cache

Wait a second and the CCM-Cache is empty.

 Volume in drive C is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is 5Q4C-0K08

 Directory of c:\Windows\ccmcache

23.09.2021  19:10    <DIR>          .
23.09.2021  19:10    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  11.164.721.152 bytes free

ESXi 6.7u2 and later – SCAv2 (Side Channel aware Scheduler v2)

While the „old“ SCAv1 built a virtual fence around all virtual processors („Intra VM Security Boundary“), SCAv2 lets processors of one virtual machine (VM) to run within a „common fence“ („Inter VM Security Boundary“) which balances security and performance for most workloads.

See for performance analysis.


esxcli system settings kernel set -s hyperthreadingMitigation -v TRUE
esxcli system settings kernel set -s hyperthreadingMitigationIntraVM -v FALSE


esxcli system settings kernel list -o hyperthreadingMitigation
esxcli system settings kernel list -o hyperthreadingMitigationIntraVM
[root@esx:~] esxcli system settings kernel list -o hyperthreadingMitigation
Name                      Type  Configured  Runtime  Default  Description
------------------------  ----  ----------  -------  -------  ----------------------------------------------------------------
hyperthreadingMitigation  Bool  TRUE        TRUE     FALSE    Restrict the simultaneous use of logical processors from the
                                                              same hyperthreaded core as necessary to mitigate a security
[root@esx:~] esxcli system settings kernel list -o hyperthreadingMitigationIntraVM
Name                             Type  Configured  Runtime  Default  Description
-------------------------------  ----  ----------  -------  -------  ---------------------------------------------------------
hyperthreadingMitigationIntraVM  Bool  FALSE       FALSE    TRUE     Restrict the simultaneous use of logical processors from
                                                                     the same hyperthreaded core as necessary to mitigate a
                                                                     security vulnerability within a single VM.

Configure SCAv1

esxcli system settings kernel set -s hyperthreadingMitigation -v TRUE
esxcli system settings kernel set -s hyperthreadingMitigationIntraVM -v TRUE

Atom Texteditor: Highlight Comments

Comments are greyed out by default, nobody should read them 😉 I don’t want to think about the comment-quality of the Atom-Sourcecode, just kidding 😉


To change the comment-colour to a fresh and visible green:

  • open the file (as administrator) c:\>notepad c:\Users\<username>\.atom\styles.less

atom-text-editor::shadow { .punctuation.comment, .comment, .link.hyperlink { color: #88ff88; } }

Compile PuTTY on your own

The beginning: Source Code

Find the original source archive at or get the Windows-Archive directly here:

Modify the Source Code

For example: Tweak the modal „Fatal Connection Error“ Dialog: Relax PuTTY: Suppress „Fatal Error“ Dialog

Next step: GCC-Compiler

I’d chose MinGW to compile native Windows Applications: MinGW as build-environment for native Windows Applications

Compile it

Using MinGw:

run MinGw

In PuTTY it’s all prepared for us – go to the „windows“ subdirectory:

  • mingw32-make -f Makefile.mgw
C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\x86_64-8.1.0-win32-seh-rt_v6-rev0>echo off
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.1110]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

C:\> cd C:\\Users\\user\\Downloads\\putty-src_0-76\

C:\Users\user\Downloads\putty-src_0-76> cd windows

C:\Users\user\Downloads\putty-src_0-76\windows> mingw32-make -f Makefile.mgw
gcc  -Wall -O2 -std=gnu99 -Wvla -D_WINDOWS -DWIN32S_COMPAT -D_NO_OLDNAMES -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1 -I.././ -I../charset/ -I../windows/ -I../unix/ -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_WIN32_WINDOWS=0x0410 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500  -c ../ssh2userauth.c
gcc -s -o plink.exe -Wl,-Map, agentf.o aqsync.o \
        be_all_s.o be_misc.o callback.o clicons.o cmdline.o conf.o \
        console.o cproxy.o ecc.o errsock.o ldisc.o logging.o \
        mainchan.o marshal.o memory.o misc.o miscucs.o mpint.o \
        noterm.o nullplug.o pgssapi.o pinger.o plink.res.o portfwd.o \
        proxy.o raw.o rlogin.o sessprep.o settings.o ssh.o ssh1bpp.o \
        ssh1censor.o ssh1connection.o ssh1connection-client.o \
        ssh1login.o ssh2bpp.o ssh2bpp-bare.o ssh2censor.o \
        ssh2connection.o ssh2connection-client.o ssh2kex-client.o \
        ssh2transhk.o ssh2transport.o ssh2userauth.o sshaes.o \
        ssharcf.o sshargon2.o sshauxcrypt.o sshblake2.o sshblowf.o \
        sshccp.o sshcommon.o sshcrc.o sshcrcda.o sshdes.o sshdh.o \
        sshdss.o sshecc.o sshgssc.o sshhmac.o sshmac.o sshmd5.o \
        sshprng.o sshpubk.o sshrand.o sshrsa.o sshsh256.o sshsh512.o \
        sshsha.o sshsha3.o sshshare.o sshutils.o sshverstring.o \
        sshzlib.o stripctrl.o supdup.o telnet.o timing.o tree234.o \
        utils.o version.o wcwidth.o wildcard.o wincapi.o \
        wincliloop.o wincons.o windefs.o wingss.o winhandl.o \
        winhsock.o winmisc.o winmiscs.o winnet.o winnohlp.o \
        winnoise.o winnojmp.o winnpc.o winnps.o winpgntc.o \
        winplink.o winproxy.o winsecur.o winselcli.o winser.o \
        winshare.o winstore.o wintime.o winucs.o winx11.o x11fwd.o \
        -ladvapi32 -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -limm32 -lole32 -lshell32 \
gcc -s -o pscp.exe -Wl,-Map, agentf.o aqsync.o be_misc.o \
        be_ssh.o callback.o clicons.o cmdline.o conf.o console.o \
        cproxy.o ecc.o errsock.o logging.o mainchan.o marshal.o \
        memory.o misc.o miscucs.o mpint.o nullplug.o pgssapi.o \
        pinger.o portfwd.o proxy.o pscp.o pscp.res.o psftpcommon.o \
        settings.o sftp.o sftpcommon.o ssh.o ssh1bpp.o ssh1censor.o \
        ssh1connection.o ssh1connection-client.o ssh1login.o \
        ssh2bpp.o ssh2bpp-bare.o ssh2censor.o ssh2connection.o \
        ssh2connection-client.o ssh2kex-client.o ssh2transhk.o \
        ssh2transport.o ssh2userauth.o sshaes.o ssharcf.o \
        sshargon2.o sshauxcrypt.o sshblake2.o sshblowf.o sshccp.o \
        sshcommon.o sshcrc.o sshcrcda.o sshdes.o sshdh.o sshdss.o \
        sshecc.o sshgssc.o sshhmac.o sshmac.o sshmd5.o sshprng.o \
        sshpubk.o sshrand.o sshrsa.o sshsh256.o sshsh512.o sshsha.o \
        sshsha3.o sshshare.o sshutils.o sshverstring.o sshzlib.o \
        stripctrl.o timing.o tree234.o utils.o version.o wcwidth.o \
        wildcard.o wincapi.o wincliloop.o wincons.o windefs.o \
        wingss.o winhandl.o winhsock.o winmisc.o winmiscs.o winnet.o \
        winnohlp.o winnoise.o winnojmp.o winnpc.o winnps.o \
        winpgntc.o winproxy.o winsecur.o winselcli.o winsftp.o \
        winshare.o winstore.o wintime.o winucs.o x11fwd.o -ladvapi32 \
        -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -limm32 -lole32 -lshell32 -luser32
gcc -s -o psftp.exe -Wl,-Map, agentf.o aqsync.o \
        be_misc.o be_ssh.o callback.o clicons.o cmdline.o conf.o \
        console.o cproxy.o ecc.o errsock.o logging.o mainchan.o \
        marshal.o memory.o misc.o miscucs.o mpint.o nullplug.o \
        pgssapi.o pinger.o portfwd.o proxy.o psftp.o psftp.res.o \
        psftpcommon.o settings.o sftp.o sftpcommon.o ssh.o ssh1bpp.o \
        ssh1censor.o ssh1connection.o ssh1connection-client.o \
        ssh1login.o ssh2bpp.o ssh2bpp-bare.o ssh2censor.o \
        ssh2connection.o ssh2connection-client.o ssh2kex-client.o \
        ssh2transhk.o ssh2transport.o ssh2userauth.o sshaes.o \
        ssharcf.o sshargon2.o sshauxcrypt.o sshblake2.o sshblowf.o \
        sshccp.o sshcommon.o sshcrc.o sshcrcda.o sshdes.o sshdh.o \
        sshdss.o sshecc.o sshgssc.o sshhmac.o sshmac.o sshmd5.o \
        sshprng.o sshpubk.o sshrand.o sshrsa.o sshsh256.o sshsh512.o \
        sshsha.o sshsha3.o sshshare.o sshutils.o sshverstring.o \
        sshzlib.o stripctrl.o timing.o tree234.o utils.o version.o \
        wcwidth.o wildcard.o wincapi.o wincliloop.o wincons.o \
        windefs.o wingss.o winhandl.o winhsock.o winmisc.o \
        winmiscs.o winnet.o winnohlp.o winnoise.o winnojmp.o \
        winnpc.o winnps.o winpgntc.o winproxy.o winsecur.o \
        winselcli.o winsftp.o winshare.o winstore.o wintime.o \
        winucs.o x11fwd.o -ladvapi32 -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -limm32 \
        -lole32 -lshell32 -luser32
gcc -mwindows -s -o putty.exe -Wl,-Map, agentf.o \
        aqsync.o be_all_s.o be_misc.o callback.o cmdline.o conf.o \
        config.o cproxy.o dialog.o ecc.o errsock.o ldisc.o logging.o \
        mainchan.o marshal.o memory.o minibidi.o misc.o miscucs.o \
        mpint.o nullplug.o pgssapi.o pinger.o portfwd.o proxy.o \
        putty.res.o raw.o rlogin.o sessprep.o settings.o sizetip.o \
        ssh.o ssh1bpp.o ssh1censor.o ssh1connection.o \
        ssh1connection-client.o ssh1login.o ssh2bpp.o ssh2bpp-bare.o \
        ssh2censor.o ssh2connection.o ssh2connection-client.o \
        ssh2kex-client.o ssh2transhk.o ssh2transport.o \
        ssh2userauth.o sshaes.o ssharcf.o sshargon2.o sshauxcrypt.o \
        sshblake2.o sshblowf.o sshccp.o sshcommon.o sshcrc.o \
        sshcrcda.o sshdes.o sshdh.o sshdss.o sshecc.o sshgssc.o \
        sshhmac.o sshmac.o sshmd5.o sshprng.o sshpubk.o sshrand.o \
        sshrsa.o sshsh256.o sshsh512.o sshsha.o sshsha3.o sshshare.o \
        sshutils.o sshverstring.o sshzlib.o stripctrl.o supdup.o \
        telnet.o terminal.o timing.o tree234.o utils.o version.o \
        wcwidth.o wildcard.o wincapi.o wincfg.o winctrls.o windefs.o \
        windlg.o window.o wingss.o winhandl.o winhelp.o winhsock.o \
        winjump.o winmisc.o winmiscs.o winnet.o winnoise.o winnpc.o \
        winnps.o winpgntc.o winprint.o winproxy.o winsecur.o \
        winselgui.o winser.o winshare.o winstore.o wintime.o \
        winucs.o winutils.o winx11.o x11fwd.o -ladvapi32 -lcomdlg32 \
        -lgdi32 -limm32 -lole32 -lshell32 -luser32


Check the result

C:\Users\user\Downloads\putty-src_0-76\windows> dir putty.exe
 Datenträger in Laufwerk C: ist Windows
 Volumeseriennummer: 1E1B-0142

 Verzeichnis von C:\Users\user\Downloads\putty-src_0-76\windows

16.08.2021  20:16           981.504 putty.exe
               1 Datei(en),        981.504 Bytes
               0 Verzeichnis(se), 265.798.283.264 Bytes frei


EXEcute it

C:\Users\user\Downloads\putty-src_0-76\windows> putty.exe
Putty 0.76 – compiled on my own using „gcc 8.1.0“

Final thought: Donate PuTTY

It is possible 😉 to donate to the original PuTTY developers – look here:

MinGW as build-environment for native Windows Applications

It is possible to complie open source software like „PuTTY“ using the famous gcc open source compiler.

Choose your favourite MinGW „distribution“

There are several  „distribution“-like packages available on the web.

I found which worked „out of the box“.

Install MinGw

Just a few settings to think about, I chose:

I changed from the default-settings:

  • Version:8.1.0
  • Architecture:i686
  • Threads:posix
  • Exception:dwarf
  • Build Revision:0


  • Architecture:x86_64
  • Threads:win32
  • Exception:seh

Check the Windows „PATH“-Environment Variable

I should contain C:\\Program Files\\mingw-w64\\x86\_64-8.1.0-win32-seh-rt\_v6-rev0\\mingw64\\bin

Run a „MinGW-Terminal“

Using the following shortcut

Relax PuTTY: Suppress „Fatal Error“ Dialog

When using PuTTY in „Multi-Tabbed“-Wrapper-Applications like MRemote-NG, Super-Putty, Putty-Connection-Manager, you name it, it’s absolute annoying that every connection-timeout pushes a modal pop-up window to the front (for every opened connection!) like this:

Since in those Applications the PuTTY-Window/Tab won’t get closed, or with „only on clean exit“

putty: close window only on clean exit

these modal alerts are absolutely pointless – when:

  1. PuTTY is running as standalone application
  2. the config-parameters set to „close window“ the original implemtation makes sense indeed.

So there is some code required, to distinguish between:

  • a quiet (Text-)Message, inline within the PuTTY-Screen when the window wont get closed
  • an modal alert before closing the putty window.

Original Code

Find it in „/windows/window.c“ – notice, that the modal popup will appear even when the PuTTY-Window won’t get closed.

 * Print a message box and close the connection.
static void win_seat_connection_fatal(Seat *seat, const char *msg)
    char *title = dupprintf("%s Fatal Error", appname);
    MessageBox(wgs.term_hwnd, msg, title, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);

    if (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_close_on_exit) == FORCE_ON)
    else {
        queue_toplevel_callback(close_session, NULL);

Improvement: Show the Dialog only, when PuTTY-Window will get closed

Much better for daily use – no annoyance anymore:

 * Print a message box and close the connection.
static void win_seat_connection_fatal(Seat *seat, const char *msg)
    char *title = dupprintf("%s Fatal Error", appname);

    if (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_close_on_exit) == FORCE_ON) {
        //show MessageBox before closing the PuTTY-Window
        MessageBox(wgs.term_hwnd, msg, title, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);

    } else {
        //print message into the PuTTY-Console
        win_seat_output(seat,0,"------------------- ",20);
        win_seat_output(seat,0," ------------------\r\n",22);
        win_seat_output(seat,0,"- ",2);

        queue_toplevel_callback(close_session, NULL);


Result: Relaxed Putty

Take a deep breath 🙂

relaxed putty

isn’t it beautiful?

Donate PuTTY

It is possible 😉 to donate to the original PuTTY developers – look here:

Azure AZ-303 – Skills Outline

I’ve been wondering about the differences between the (free) Microsoft-Azure Online-Training and the (paid) AZ-303 Instructor-Led Training. After having a quick look at the „AZ-303 Exam Skills Outline“ there seems to be an 1:1-Mapping between „Exam Skills Outline“ and the instructor led training.

Exam Skills Outline

According to the exam is made up from 15 modules:

The changes to the schedule starting at 25th of May 2021 are of cosmetic nature, Microsoft fixed some typos and removed some minor AAD-sub-topics…

1) Implement and Monitor an Azure Infrastructure (50-55%)
1.1) Cloud infrastructure monitoring
1.2) Storage accounts
1.3) VMs for Windows and Linux
1.4) Automate deployment and configuration of resources
1.5) Virtual networking
1.6) Azure Active Directory
1.7) Implement and manage hybrid identities (~Azure AD Connect)

2) Implement Management and Security Solutions (25-30%)
2.1) Manage workloads in Azure
2.2) Load balancing and network security
2.3) Implement and manage Azure governance solutions
2.4) Manage security for applications

3) Implement Solutions for Apps (10-15%)
3.1) Implement an application infrastructure
3.2) Container-based applications

4) Implement and Manage Data Platforms (10-15%)
4.1) Implement NoSQL databases
4.2) Implement Azure SQL databases

AZ303 Instructor-Led Training

The official Microsoft Instructor-Led Training for AZ303 is made up of 15 Modules:

  • there is an 1:1 mapping – but the order of modules has been „shuffled“
  1. Azure Active Directory => 1.6
  2. Hybrid Identities => 1.7
  3. Networking => 1.5
  4. VMs => 1.3
  5. Load Balancing and Network Security => 2.2
  6. Storage Accounts => 1.2
  7. NoSQL Databases => 4.1
  8. Azure SQL Databases => 4.2
  9. Automate Deployment and Configuration of Resources => 1.4
  10. Azure Governance Solutions => 2.3
  11. Security for Applications => 2.4
  12. Manage Workloads in Azure => 2.1
  13. Container-Based Applications => 3.2
  14. Implement an Application Infrastructure => 3.1
  15. Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring => 1.1

Let’s go

It should be possible to repeat a 5day class within 28 days

AZ-303 Schedule

Pi-Hole DHCP-Server: Offer static ip-routes


My WIFI is bound to my Internet-Router and it is seperated from my home-office by an routed stateful-firewall. Some WIFI devices (for example my printer) need access to this home-office ip-range.

Pi-Hole DHCP Service

The DHCP-Service of my pi-hole server usually offers just dhcp-option #3 – the default-gateway.

Disable DHCP-Option 3 (Default Gatway)

The pi-hole Web-GUI doesn’t allow to specify additional dhcp-options, so first disable offering the default-gateway-option:

pi-hole disable dhcp-server option 3 „Router (gateway) IP address“

which is not allowed (my opinion: a bug since this is no feature)

Stop here and use another dhcp-service?

Use the „Router-Option“ as fallback for „old“ clients

Fortunately RFC3442 („The Classless Static Route Option for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) version 4“) states:

If the DHCP server returns both a Classless Static Routes option and
   a Router option, the DHCP client MUST ignore the Router option.

So this can stay enabled, it’ll be ignored – and, just for the case an old DHCP-Client doesn’t implement the Classless Static-Routes Option it’ll ignore it and can use the Default-Gateway-option.


  1. leave the Web-GUI as it is
  2. go the the SSH-bash-shell
  3. add additional dhcp-options

Leave the auto-generated config-files as they are

adminname@pi-hole-server:/etc/dnsmasq.d $ ls -l
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1524 May 22 13:16 01-pihole.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  490 May 22 13:16 02-pihole-dhcp.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  143 Dec  8 14:04 04-pihole-static-dhcp.conf

adminname@pi-hole-server:cat 01-pihole.conf
# Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
# (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (
# Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
# Dnsmasq config for Pi-hole's FTLDNS
# This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
# Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license.

#                                                                             #
#                      /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf                             #
#                                                                             #
#                    WITHIN /etc/dnsmasq.d/yourname.conf                      #


add your config in a seperated config-file

So lets add „/etc/dnsmasq.d/yourname.conf“:

I’d like to create

  1. a Default-Route ( via the WIFI-Router
  2. static routes for all private (RFC1918) address-ranges via the Firewall
sudo echo "
dhcp-option=option:classless-static-route,,,,,,,," > 99-user-settings.conf

restart the DHCP-Service

sudo service pihole-FTL reload

refresh the DHCP-Client

Horrible – Windows 10 states a „default-gateway“ to be set 🙁

C:\Users\user>ipconfig /renew "WLAN"


Drahtlos-LAN-Adapter WLAN:
   Verbindungsspezifisches DNS-Suffix: prod.local
   IPv4-Adresse  . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnetzmaske  . . . . . . . . . . :
   Standardgateway . . . . . . . . . :

Check results

But the ip routing-table is fine: even Windows 10 implements RFC3442:

C:\Users\user>route print
Aktive Routen:
     Netzwerkziel    Netzwerkmaske          Gateway    Schnittstelle Metrik
     35     36   Auf Verbindung    331   Auf Verbindung    331     36     36   Auf Verbindung    291   Auf Verbindung    291


Forget it, Google seems to not priotize fixing basic low-level IP-Stack issues, it’s embarrassing:

Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert

Certification Path

According to two exams

are required.

Online Training

Online Training, free of charge – sponsored by Microsoft – is available: Surprisingly the same 9 modules for both exams, i’ve been putting them in a slightly different order:

  • Infrastructure
    • 4 Modules
  • Operations
  • Applications
    • 3 Modules
  • Migration
    • sharing a common module with
  • Business Continuity / Recovery
Azure Solutions Architect Expert – Training modules

AZ303 Instructor-Led Training

The official Microsoft Instructor-Led Training for AZ303 is made up of 15 Modules:

  1. Azure Active Directory
  2. Hybrid Identities
  3. Networking
  4. VMs
  5. Load Balancing and Network Security
  6. Storage Accounts
  7. NoSQL Databases
  8. Azure SQL Databases
  9. Automate Deployment and Configuration of Resources
  10. Azure Governance Solutions
  11. Security for Applications
  12. Manage Workloads in Azure
  13. Container-Based Applications
  14. Implement an Application Infrastructure
  15. Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring

Exam 303 – What might be the required skills?

The free training – 9 Modules for both AZ303 and AZ304 – the paid training for AZ303: 15 Modules:

  • how to map the 15 AZ303-Modules into the 9 AZ303/AZ304-Modules?

Determine Power-CLI Object-Type


If you needed to pass some „Objects“ to a Power-Shell function you need the name of their Types.


Four Parameters need to be passed to the function:

  • two Objects
    1. VI-Server
    2. Virtual-Machine
  • two Strings:
    1. diskName
    2. diskSize
function resizeVMDisk { Param([VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.VIServer]$server, [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachine]$vm, [string]$diskName, [string]$diskSize)


  1. Find an existing PowerCLI-Function which already uses the Object-Parameter you need.

In my case:


2) Pull the MetaData of this Command.

3) Display the „Attributes“ of the relevant Object-Parameter

4) Look for „Target Type List“


„VM“ = [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachine]

„Server“ = [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.VIServer]


C:\LAB> $cmd = Get-Command -Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core -Name Get-VMHost
C:\LAB> $meta = New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetadata ($cmd)
C:\LAB> $meta

Name                    : Get-VMHost
CommandType             : VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.GetVMHost
DefaultParameterSetName : Default
SupportsShouldProcess   : False
SupportsPaging          : False
PositionalBinding       : True
SupportsTransactions    : False
HelpUri                 :
RemotingCapability      : PowerShell
ConfirmImpact           : None
Parameters              : {[Name, System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata], [NoRecursion, System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata], [VM,
                          System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata], [ResourcePool, System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata]…}

C:\LAB> $meta.Parameters["VM"].Attributes

Position                        : -2147483648
ParameterSetName                : SecondaryParameterSet
ValueFromPipeline               : True
Mandatory                       : False
ExperimentName                  :
ExperimentAction                : None
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName : False
ValueFromRemainingArguments     : False
HelpMessage                     :
HelpMessageBaseName             :
HelpMessageResourceId           :
DontShow                        : False
TypeId                          : System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute

TypeId : System.Management.Automation.ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute

Critical                        : True
ContextPrincipalName            :
ContextOptional                 : False
ContextRelationName             :
TargetTypeList                  : {VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachine}
TransformNullOptionalParameters : True
TypeId                          : VMware.VimAutomation.Sdk.Util10Ps.BaseCmdlet.ObnArgumentTransformationAttribute

C:\LAB> $meta.Parameters["Server"].Attributes

Position                        : -2147483648
ParameterSetName                : Default
ValueFromPipeline               : False
Mandatory                       : False
ExperimentName                  :
ExperimentAction                : None
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName : False
ValueFromRemainingArguments     : False
HelpMessage                     :
HelpMessageBaseName             :
HelpMessageResourceId           :
DontShow                        : False
TypeId                          : System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute

Position                        : -2147483648
ParameterSetName                : ById
ValueFromPipeline               : False
Mandatory                       : False
ExperimentName                  :
ExperimentAction                : None
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName : False
ValueFromRemainingArguments     : False
HelpMessage                     :
HelpMessageBaseName             :
HelpMessageResourceId           :
DontShow                        : False
TypeId                          : System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute

Position                        : -2147483648
ParameterSetName                : DistributedSwitch
ValueFromPipeline               : False
Mandatory                       : False
ExperimentName                  :
ExperimentAction                : None
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName : False
ValueFromRemainingArguments     : False
HelpMessage                     :
HelpMessageBaseName             :
HelpMessageResourceId           :
DontShow                        : False
TypeId                          : System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute

Position                        : -2147483648
ParameterSetName                : SecondaryParameterSet
ValueFromPipeline               : False
Mandatory                       : False
ExperimentName                  :
ExperimentAction                : None
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName : False
ValueFromRemainingArguments     : False
HelpMessage                     :
HelpMessageBaseName             :
HelpMessageResourceId           :
DontShow                        : False
TypeId                          : System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute

Critical                        : True
ContextPrincipalName            :
ContextOptional                 : False
ContextRelationName             :
TargetTypeList                  : {VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.VIServer}
TransformNullOptionalParameters : True
TypeId                          : VMware.VimAutomation.Sdk.Util10Ps.BaseCmdlet.ObnArgumentTransformationAttribute