Scripted provisioning of a Cisco CSR1000V as VirtualBox-Guest: Slipstream initial startup-config

To enable immediate remote-access to brandnew deployed virtual Cisco CSR1000V-Routers by scripts, ansible etc. it’s necessary to predeploy the startup-config at least with public-rsa-keys etc.

  1. Prepare
  2. Download and install the nice tool http://CDBurnerXP. This will install a companion cli-tool cdbxpcmd.exe along with the GUI-Version.

    It’ll be used to prepare an ISO-„CDROM“ containing the prepared „startup-config“-file.

  3. Prepare
  4. Prepare an IOS-XE Configuration file…

    hostname HOSTNAME
    platform console serial
    crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048 label RSA_SSH
    username labuser privilege 15
    ip ssh pubkey-chain
    username labuser
    ip ssh rsa keypair-name RSA_SSH
    ip ssh server algorithm authentication publickey
    line vty 0 15
      login local
      transport input ssh
      access-class ACL_NMM in vrf-also
  5. Modify the existing script
  6. These commands create the ISO-File in the %LOC%-Path.

    set VM=CSR1000vX
    : Create ISO containing slipstreamed config-file
    : use UNXTOOLS "sed" to customize the "hostname"-Command
    set CFGISO=%LOC%\config.iso
    set CFGSRC=C:\RH\LAB\VM\iosxe_config.txt
    set CFGTXT=%LOC%\iosxe_config.txt
    cat %CFGSRC% | sed "s/HOSTNAME/%VM%/g" > %CFGTXT%
    "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"\CDBurnerXP\cdbxpcmd.exe --burn-data -file:%CFGTXT% -iso:%CFGISO% -format:iso
  7. Mount this ISO to the VM
  8. The contained config-file will get automatically applied when the router boots the first time.

    VBoxManage storageattach %VM% --storagectl IDE-CTL --port 1 --device 1 --type dvddrive --medium %CFGISO%
  9. Run the VM
    • the config-file gets applied
  10. access the router
  11. This depends of the configuration-file, of course.

Scripted provisioning of a Cisco CSR1000V as VirtualBox-Guest

In a lab environment it might be handy to quickly rollout new (virtual) routers without much manual intervention. The following script creates a VirtualBox-VM and boots it up.

  1. Prepare
  2. Install VirtualBox and have a CSR1000V-ISO-File ready.

    set VM=CSR1000V
    set BASE=c:\RH\LAB\VM
    set ISO=C:\Downloads\csr1000v-universalk9.16.09.01.iso
    : Create VM
    VBoxManage createvm --name %VM% --ostype "Linux26_64" --basefolder %BASE% --register
    !:now the Path in the Filesystem to ...LOC... exists
    set LOC=%BASE%\%VM%
    : Customize VM
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --memory 4096
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --vram 16
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --pae on --paravirtprovider default --hwvirtex on --nestedpaging on
    : Storage
    VBoxManage createhd --filename %LOC%\%VM%.vdi --size 8192
    VBoxManage storagectl %VM% --name "IDE-CTL" --add ide --portcount 2 --bootable on
    VBoxManage storageattach %VM% --storagectl IDE-CTL --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium %LOC%\%VM%.vdi
    VBoxManage storageattach %VM% --storagectl IDE-CTL --port 1 --device 0 --type dvddrive --medium %ISO%
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --boot1=dvd --boot2=disk --boot3=none --boot4=none
    : Serial-Interfaces via "Pipe"
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --uartmode1 server \\.\pipe\%VM%
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --uart1 0x3f8 4
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --uartmode2 server \\.\pipe\%VM%_diag
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --uart2 0x2f8 4
    : Audio
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --audio none
    : NICs
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --nic1 nat --nic2 hostonly --nic3 hostonly --nic4 hostonly
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --nictype1 virtio --nictype2 virtio --nictype3 virtio --nictype4 virtio
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --nicpromisc1 allow-all --nicpromisc2 allow-all --nicpromisc3 allow-all --nicpromisc4 allow-all
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --hostonlyadapter2 "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter"
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --hostonlyadapter3 "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter"
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --hostonlyadapter4 "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter"
    : Set the VM-Logo for the VirtualBox-Inventory
    VBoxManage modifyvm %VM% --iconfile C:\RH\LAB\72px-Cisco_logo.svg.png
    : Boot the VM, it'l reboot once to apply the running-config
    VBoxManage startvm %VM%
  3. Execute
  4. The Inventory populates:

  5. Use it
  6. conf t
      platform console serial

    After another reboot the serial console can be accessed by a windows pipe:

    The pipe provides access to the serial-console:

Amazon AWS – Use IAM-role to authenticate python-script on EC2-Instance to S3-API

Today i wanted to stop using hard-coded S3-Credentials in my scripts running on EC2-Instances.

Create an IAM-Role

  1. Services
  2. IAM
  3. Roles
  4. [Create Role]
  • Select type of trusted entity
    • AWS-Service
    • EC2
    • [Next: Permissions]
  • Attach permissions policies
    • AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
  • Review
    • Role name: READ_S3
IAM-role: AWS – EC2
role-policy: s3 – ead-only
role: review & set name

Attach Role to EC2-Instance

  1. Services
  2. EC2
  3. Instances
  4. Instance Settings
  • attach IAM-Role
    • READ_S3
EC2-instance: attach IAM Role
Instance: attach Role „READ_S3“

Prepare Linux Setup
Within the EC2-Instance to which the IAM-Role has been attached.

ubuntu@ip-10-2-0-193:~$ sudo apt-get install -y python-pip
ubuntu@ip-10-2-0-193:~$ sudo apt install -y awscli
ubuntu@ip-10-2-0-193:~$ pip install boto3
ubuntu@ip-10-2-0-193:~$ pip install requests

Check Access to „meta-data“ => „IAM“ => „Security-Credentials“
The Script has to know the name of the role to use.

ubuntu@ip-10-2-0-193:~$ curl
  "Code" : "Success",
  "LastUpdated" : "2018-02-27T20:16:38Z",
  "Type" : "AWS-HMAC",
  "AccessKeyId" : "ASIAI5EHDXGCAQBR7AA",
  "SecretAccessKey" : "6qWNxrTDU2FTynEkkJHl4pADQ4/xdQqgr89tF8x",
  "Token" : "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",
  "Expiration" : "2018-02-28T02:48:10Z"

Fetch the IAM-Role-Credentials using python.requests()
Attention: recreated the Role in the meantime, so the credentials have been modified.

ubuntu@ip-10-2-0-193:~$ python
Python 2.7.12 (default, Dec  4 2017, 14:50:18)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> import requests
>>> import boto3

>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> cred = r.json()
>>> print cred
{u'Code': u'Success', u'LastUpdated': u'2018-02-27T20:33:14Z', u'AccessKeyId': u'ASIAIRKJFTEBQLSFR6A', u'SecretAccessKey': u'USXXJb1zoCa13FBRrUR5AWwaH0ymo+af8DmW7eQ', u'Token': u'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', u'Expiration': u'2018-02-28T02:50:12Z', u'Type': u'AWS-HMAC'}

Use the credentials to create a Session-Object

>>> session = boto3.Session(
...     aws_access_key_id=cred["AccessKeyId"],
...     aws_secret_access_key=cred["SecretAccessKey"],
...     aws_session_token=cred["Token"],
... )

Read all S3-Buckets, print out their attributes („Name“)

>>> s3 = session.resource('s3', region_name='us-east-1')
>>> for b in s3.buckets.all():
...   print b

Is this all?

  • Only one Bucket?

Yes – and it’s located in Frankfurt.

S3: Buckets

Further reading:
Python API for Amazon S3: Examples

Cisco IOS Service-Containers: Run an x86-VM inside a Router (Part 5: Install the Service-VM)

The CSR1000V-Router has already been prepared (Create a CSR1000V-Instance with nested Virtualiation support) and in (Part 4: Package the Service-VM into an OVA) we copied the OVA-Image of our „ubuntu-server“-VM to this Router.

Add the internal Network-Interface between Router and Service-VM

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
SERVICECONTAINER(config)#int virtualportgroup 0
*Feb  3 19:05:17.206: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface VirtualPortGroup0, changed state to up
SERVICECONTAINER(config-if)#ip addr

SERVICECONTAINER(config-virt-serv-global)#signing level unsigned
% Support for unsigned packages has been user-enabled. Unsigned packages are not endorsed by Cisco Systems, Inc. User assumes all responsibility

SERVICECONTAINER(dhcp-config)# network
SERVICECONTAINER(dhcp-config)# exit

SERVICECONTAINER(config)#virtual-service UBUNTU
SERVICECONTAINER(config-virt-serv)#vnic gateway virtualPortGroup 0
SERVICECONTAINER(config-virt-serv-vnic)#guest ip address
*Feb  3 19:06:27.474: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

Install the Service-VM

SERVICECONTAINER#debug virtual-service all
virtual service all debugging is on
% Console already monitors
SERVICECONTAINER#virtual-service install name UBUNTU package bootflash:ubuntu1604.ova
Installing package 'bootflash:/ubuntu1604.ova' for virtual-service 'UBUNTU'. Once the install has finished, the VM may be activated. Use 'show virtual-service list' for progress.

*Feb  3 19:07:43.518: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: Sending install req for [UBUNTU], path=bootflash:/ubuntu1604.ova, uri= uid=0
*Feb  3 19:07:43.529: VIRTUAL-INSTANCE: Message sent for INSTALL TDL request: Virtual-instance name: UBUNTU, UID: 0
*Feb  3 19:07:43.529: VIRTUAL-SERVICE: Started response timer for tid DD000001 - 30 minutes
*Feb  3 19:05:14.205: %IOSXE-4-PLATFORM: R0/0: kernel: dev->name [intsvc0]: dev_entry not populated

SERVICECONTAINER#show virtual-service list
System busy installing virtual-service 'UBUNTU'. The request may take several minutes...
Virtual Service List:

Name                    Status             Package Name
UBUNTU                  Installing         ubuntu1604.ova

*Feb  3 19:08:00.645: %VMAN-5-PACKAGE_SIGNING_LEVEL_ON_INSTALL: R0/0: vman: Package 'ubuntu1604.ova' for service container 'UBUNTU' is 'unsigned', signing level cached on original install is 'unsigned'
*Feb  3 19:08:09.216: VIRTUAL-SERVICE: Install response handler: VM[UBUNTU]: Owner IOSd trans_id 3707764737
*Feb  3 19:08:09.216: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: vm[UBUNTU] set owner [IOSd]
*Feb  3 19:08:09.225: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: application_name: 'ubuntu' application_vendor: '' application_version: '1.1'
*Feb  3 19:08:09.226: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: Default profile info: license_name: '', license_ver: ''
*Feb  3 19:08:09.226: VIRTUAL-SERVICE: Install pkg response for tid DD000001: rc=0, descr=Install Success
*Feb  3 19:08:09.226: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: License type: none, no license needed
*Feb  3 19:08:09.226: %VIRT_SERVICE-5-INSTALL_STATE: Successfully installed virtual service UBUNTU
*Feb  3 19:08:09.243: VIRTUAL-SERVICE: Received local transport activation request
*Feb  3 19:08:09.244: VIRTUAL-SERVICE: Enabling vman local transport

SERVICECONTAINER#show virtual-service list
Virtual Service List:

Name                    Status             Package Name
UBUNTU                  Installed          ubuntu1604.ova

*Feb  3 19:08:32.758: %ONEP_BASE-6-SS_ENABLED: ONEP: Service set Base was enabled by Default
*Feb  3 19:08:33.259: VIRTUAL-SERVICE: Local transport 'activation' request processed

Activate the installed Service-VM

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
SERVICECONTAINER(config)#virtual-service UBUNTU

% Activating virtual-service 'UBUNTU', this might take a few minutes. Use 'show virtual-service list' for progress.

*Feb  3 19:09:57.772: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: Activate CLI: appl->owner [IOSd]
*Feb  3 19:09:57.775: VIRTUAL-INSTANCE: Message sent for ACTIVATE TDL request: Virtual service name: UBUNTU, UID: 0
*Feb  3 19:09:57.775: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: Started virtual service (0) activate response timer - 30 minutes
*Feb  3 19:10:06.052: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
*Feb  3 19:10:06.383: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: Activate response handler: got owner [IOSd]
*Feb  3 19:10:06.383: VIRTUAL-SERVICE: clnt_type 0: Interface counter is '1'
*Feb  3 19:10:06.383: VIRTUAL-SERVICE: Information for virtual port grp '0' is received
*Feb  3 19:10:06.384: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: Deliver intf response, vm =UBUNTU, counter=1
*Feb  3 19:10:06.384: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: Received interface id=0, type=1, state=1
*Feb  3 19:10:06.384: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: Received virtual port group interface 0 with service MAC 001e.e5b1.cfba, state: up
*Feb  3 19:10:06.385: VIRTUAL-INSTANCE: Message sent for IF MTU TDL message: appliance 'UBUNTU'
*Feb  3 19:10:06.385: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: Activate response handler: rsp_rc 0
*Feb  3 19:10:06.385: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: Deliver response: appliance_state 3 rsp_rc 0 if_notify name UBUNTU clnt_type 0 act_state 0
*Feb  3 19:10:06.385: %VIRT_SERVICE-5-ACTIVATION_STATE: Successfully activated virtual service UBUNTUconf t
*Feb  3 19:10:06.385: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: Stopped virtual service (1) response timer
*Feb  3 19:10:06.385: VIRTUAL-SERVICE: Delivered Virt-manager response message to virtual service 'UBUNTU' - Response: 'OK'
*Feb  3 19:10:06.385: VIRTUAL-SERVICE [UBUNTU]: set owner to 'IOSd' in appliance

SERVICECONTAINER#show virtual-service list
Virtual Service List:

Name                    Status             Package Name
UBUNTU                  Activated          ubuntu1604.ova

SERVICECONTAINER#show ip dhcp bind
Bindings from all pools not associated with VRF:
IP address      Client-ID/              Lease expiration        Type       State      Interface
                Hardware address/
                User name     001e.e5b1.cfba          Feb 04 2018 07:20 PM    Automatic  Active     VirtualPortGroup0

Access the VM using the (virtual) Serial-Console

SERVICECONTAINER#virtual-service connect name UBUNTU console
Connected to appliance. Exit using ^c^c^c

Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS ubuntu-server ttyS0

ubuntu-server login: user
Last login: Sat Feb  3 20:23:27 CET 2018 on ttyS0
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-87-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

9 packages can be updated.
7 updates are security updates.

user@ubuntu-server:~$ who
user     ttyS0        2018-02-03 23:12

Logout: 3x [CTRL]+

user@ubuntu-server:~$ ^C
user@ubuntu-server:~$ ^C
user@ubuntu-server:~$ ^C

Access the VM using SSH via the internal Network

Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-87-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

9 packages can be updated.
7 updates are security updates.

Last login: Sat Feb  3 23:12:21 2018
user@ubuntu-server:~$ who
user     pts/0        2018-02-03 23:13 (

Check the local python/NAPALM-Setup to get facts about the containing router

user@ubuntu-server:~$ python
Python 2.7.12 (default, Dec  4 2017, 14:50:18)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> import napalm

>>> iosdriver = napalm.get_network_driver('ios')
dpass', optional_args={'port': 22, 'dest_file_system': 'bootflash:'})sword='rmon


>>> print router.get_facts()
{u'os_version': u'Virtual XE Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.7.1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc6)', u'uptime': 12840, u'interface_list': [u'GigabitEthernet1', u'GigabitEthernet2', u'GigabitEthernet3', u'VirtualPortGroup0'], u'vendor': u'Cisco', u'serial_number': u'9SNHUBYAML', u'model': u'CSR1000V', u'hostname': u'SERVICECONTAINER', u'fqdn': u'SERVICECONTAINER.lab.local'}

NAPALM Validation (Static rule)

Yesterday I attended a short presentation held by David Barroso introducing the NAPALM-„Validation“-Module.

Configuring the Network fully automated is just half the way to go.
Checking the Network-State the other half.

Had to try it out the easy-way using just python (without ansible) first:

import napalm

#just to get the DICT returned by the "compliance_report"-Method in a readable manner on the screen
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()

iosdriver = napalm.get_network_driver('ios')

router = iosdriver(hostname=DEVICE, username=USER,  password=PASS, optional_args={'port': 22, 'dest_file_system': 'bootflash:'})
report = router.compliance_report("validate.yaml")


Static YAML-File
Validating against the following static „validate.yaml“-File:

- get_facts:
    hostname: CSR-1-DC
    os_version: CSR1000V Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(2)S3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
            - GigabitEthernet1
            - GigabitEthernet2
            - GigabitEthernet3
            - GigabitEthernet4
            - VirtualPortGroup0
- get_interfaces_ip:
         prefix_length: 25

leads to the following result

{u'complies': False,
 'get_facts': {u'complies': True,
               u'extra': [],
               u'missing': [],
               u'present': {'hostname': {u'complies': True,
                                         u'nested': False},
                            'interface_list': {u'complies': True,
                                               u'nested': True},
                            'os_version': {u'complies': True,
                                           u'nested': False}}},
 'get_interfaces_ip': {u'complies': False,
                       u'extra': [],
                       u'missing': [],
                       u'present': {'GigabitEthernet1': {u'complies': False,
                                                         u'diff': {u'complies': False,
                                                                   u'extra': [],
                                                                   u'missing': [],
                                                                   u'present': {'ipv4': {u'complies': False,
                                                                                         u'diff': {u'complies': False,
                                                                                                   u'extra': [],
                                                                                                   u'missing': [],
                                                                                                   u'present': {'': {u'complies': False,
                                                                                                                                 u'diff': {u'complies': False,
                                                                                                                                           u'extra': [],
                                                                                                                                           u'missing': [],
                                                                                                                                           u'present': {'prefix_length': {u'actual_value': 24,
                                                                                                                                                                          u'complies': False,
                                                                                                                                                                          u'expected_value': 25,
                                                                                                                                                                          u'nested': False}}},
                                                                                                                                 u'nested': True}}},
                                                                                         u'nested': True}}},
                                                         u'nested': True}}},
 u'skipped': []}

Whats wrong with the Router?
„nested = True“ means – the issue is downward in the datastructure.

In the example, the first Object with „nested = False“ is „prefix_length“
The Prefix-Length („Subnet-Mask“) is wrong:

  • wanted: /25-Bit
  • configured: /24-Bit.

Validate the output of commands which use additional parameters
Example: Ping to the Default-Gateway

First: Get familiar with the datastructure returned by the command:

>>> pp.pprint(""))
{u'success': {u'packet_loss': 0,
              u'probes_sent': 5,
              u'results': [{u'ip_address': u'', u'rtt': 0.0},
                           {u'ip_address': u'', u'rtt': 0.0},
                           {u'ip_address': u'', u'rtt': 0.0},
                           {u'ip_address': u'', u'rtt': 0.0},
                           {u'ip_address': u'', u'rtt': 0.0}],
              u'rtt_avg': 1.0,
              u'rtt_max': 2.0,
              u'rtt_min': 1.0,
              u'rtt_stddev': 0.0}}

add the following portion to the YAML-File:

- ping:
    _name: Default-Gateway
      destination: ""
      packet_loss: 0

Result (Success)

>>> pp.pprint(router.compliance_report("validate.yaml"))
{'Default-Gateway': {u'complies': True,
                     u'extra': [],
                     u'missing': [],
                     u'present': {'success': {u'complies': True,
                                              u'nested': True}}},

Result (failure)

>>> pp.pprint(router.compliance_report("validate.yaml"))
{'Default-Gateway': {u'complies': False,
                     u'extra': [],
                     u'missing': [],
                     u'present': {'success': {u'complies': False,
                                              u'diff': {u'complies': False,
                                                        u'extra': [],
                                                        u'missing': [],
                                                        u'present': {'packet_loss': {u'actual_value': -1,
                                                                                     u'complies': False,
                                                                                     u'expected_value': 0,
                                                                                     u'nested': False}}},
                                              u'nested': True}}},

Cisco IOS Service-Containers: Run an x86-VM inside a Router (Part 2: Create a CSR1000v-Instance with nested Virtualization support)

In real life an hardware-ISR/ASR-Router might be the correct choice.

Create a CSR1000v-Instance with nested Virtualization support
But since the CSR1000v-Router supports Service-Containers, too – this is the chance to prove the setup in a lab environment:

  • IOS-XE 3.17 is the first supported release, i’ll go with IOS-XE 16.7.1
  • Option to enable unsigned containers
  • any 3rd party KVM
  • Libvirt based format / YAML manifest file
  • Requires 4GB+ dedicated RAM
  • ASR1000, ISR4000, CSR1000

5 Minutes to deploy the virtual CSR1000v-Router using COT
I’ll use COT (Common OVF Tool (COT) – Automated Lab-Router Deployment) to deploy my CSR1000v-Router:

user@ubuntu-server:~$ cot inject-config csr1000v-universalk9.16.07.01.ova -c ios-napalm.startup.cfg -o csr1000v-universalk9.16.07.01.napalm.ova
Add disk file to existing (but empty) cdrom drive? [y]
NOTICE  : Overwriting existing disk Item in OVF

cot --verbose deploy csr1000v-universalk9.16.07.01.napalm.ova esxi <VCENTER-HOST/IP>/<DATACENTER>/host/<ESXi-HOST/IP> -u <USER> -p <PASS> -n RTR-SERVICE-CONTAINER -d <DATASTORE> -S "telnet://:41001,server" -N GigabitEthernet1="Management" GigabitEthernet2=T24 GigabitEthernet3=T34 -c 2CPU-8GB

Boot the Router
Check the Virtualization-Environment: fail 🙁

  • Machine types disabled : KVM
SERVICECONTAINER# show virtual-service
Virtual Service Global State and Virtualization Limits:

Infrastructure version : 1.7
Total virtual services installed : 0
Total virtual services activated : 0

Machine types supported   : LXC
Machine types disabled    : KVM

Maximum VCPUs per virtual service : 1
Resource virtualization limits:
Name                         Quota     Committed     Available
system CPU (%)                  75             0            75
memory (MB)                   3072             0          3072
bootflash (MB)               20000             0          5554

i forgot to enable nested-virtualization for the CSR1000v-Router-VM.

Action Plan

    • Power-down the VM („Shut Down Guest“) again
    • edit Hardware (Web-Client)
  • boot the router again

Check again: works 🙂

  • Machine types supported : KVM, LXC
SERVICECONTAINER#show virtual-service
Virtual Service Global State and Virtualization Limits:

Infrastructure version : 1.7
Total virtual services installed : 0
Total virtual services activated : 0

Machine types supported   : KVM, LXC
Machine types disabled    : none

Maximum VCPUs per virtual service : 1
Resource virtualization limits:
Name                         Quota     Committed     Available
system CPU (%)                  75             0            75
memory (MB)                   3072             0          3072
bootflash (MB)               20000             0          5553

That’s it, the CSR1000V is ready.

Notice: vCPU-Limitation in CSR1000v

  • Maximum VCPUs per virtual service : 1

Remember this, when creating the YAML-File for the OVA. (Part 4: Package the Service-VM into an OVA)

Cisco IOS Service-Containers: Run an x86-VM inside a Router (Part 1: KVM Development Environment)

Network Hosted Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM)

Many Cisco Routers allow you to host your own virtual machine directly inside a router.
DevNet: Cisco IOS KVM Service-Containers

  • CSR 1000v
  • ISR 4000
  • ASR 1000

I went through the documentation, especially Service-Containers-Tutorial.pdf and Ubuntu – Building a Service Container.pdf where very helpful.

But i didn’t want to go the „Ubuntu-Desktop-14.04-LTS“-way which was described.

„My“ Service-Container-VM should be:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu Server
    • save some compute/cpu/dram/harddisk-ressources by not installing an Ubuntu-Desktop-Environment inside the Router. Just network services, please!

The whole deployment process can be accomplished in five steps:

  1. build a KVM virtualization-Environment
  2. prepare an ISR-Router (lab: Create a CSR1000v-Instance for nested Virtualization)
  3. create the Service-VM (Ubuntu-Server)
  4. package it inside an OVA
  5. install this OVA at the router

Build the KVM Virtualization Environment

Here I’ll use Ubuntu LTS, but the „Desktop“-Release to get the „Virtual Machine Manager“-GUI.

Common vSphere Process „New VM“

  • Linux Ubuntu 64 Bit, 4GB DRAM, 120GB Disk
  • mount Ubuntu-Desktop-ISO as DVD

Enable nested virtualization (Hardware-Virtualization for Guest-OS)
Don’t forget: this „KVM Virtualization Environment“ will run on top of an VSphere-ESXi-Host.

  • nested virtualization: [Linux-Server-VM] on top of [KVM Virtualization] on top of [ESXi Hypervisor]
Hardware virtualization: [x] Expose hardware assisted virtualization to guest-OS
Hardware virtualization: [x] Expose hardware assisted virtualization to guest-OS

Ubuntu-Desktop VM with KVM-Virtualization
Installation: Defaults are fine

  • never use the „root“-acccout
  • use a common user-account instead, i’ll use the username „user“ in the text

Additional Setup
user@KVM-1:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
user@KVM-1:~$ sudo apt-get install -y open-vm-tools open-vm-tools-desktop

Add KVM („libvirt“)
user@KVM-1:~$ sudo apt-get install -y qemu-kvm libvirt-bin bridge-utils virt-manager qemu-system
Finalize it
user@KVM-1:~$ sudo reboot

Check the KVM Environment
Should look like this:

user@KVM-1:~/isr-service-container$ virsh -c qemu:///system list

 Id    Name                           State

Fine-tuning: „Disable Screensaver“

  • avoid ever and ever re-login to the remote-Desktop
  • acceptable in an isolated lab environment

all settings => brightness & lock

  • „never“ turn screen off when inactive
  • lock „off“
  • [ ] require password when waking from suspend

Preparation: Mount NFS-Share with „ubuntu-server“-ISO
I store my ISO-Images on an central NFS-Datastore.

  • the ISO-image has to be available inside the VM
sudo apt-get install -y nfs-common
mkdir /home/user/<NAS-SHARE>
sudo mount.nfs <NAS-IP>:<NAS-SHARE> /home/user/<NAS-SHARE>

Cisco CSR1000V Software Upgrade – Automated

No. There’s no need to export the IOS-Config, deploy another Router-VM using an OVA and import the old IOS-Config to this new router.

  • even, if finetuned… This strategy might lower the downtime!?
  • VMware uses this strategy when upgrading NSX-Edge-Gateways very successfully!

But this is a lab environment, i’ll have to upgrade almost ten CSR1000v-Routers and there’s no time to do it manually router-by-router.

The common process is as it has been for the last decades:

  • copy the new csr1000v-bin-File into the routers bootflash
  • verify the file
  • set the boot-variable
  • reboot

Upload BIN-File into the routers
There might be dozens of valid possibilities to get the bin-file into the router.

I prefer SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) since i uses the same firewall-rules as SSH so it’s unlikely that firewalls will disturb the update process.

  • i downloaded the bin-file using a windows-machine
  • i’ll use PSCP from the Putty-software-suite

Basics: Loop over a set of IPs in Windows Command-Shell?
That’s all:

C:> for %i in (235,241,240,239,236,237,238,242,243) do @echo %i

Let’s go

c:\Users\admin\Downloads>dir *.bin

 Verzeichnis von c:\Users\admin\Downloads

16.12.2017  17:44       365.660.728 csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.SPA.bin
               1 Datei(en),    365.660.728 Bytes
               0 Verzeichnis(se), 73.892.016.128 Bytes frei

c:\Users\admin\Downloads>for %i in (235,241,240,239,236,237,238,242,243) do @start pscp -2 -scp -l rmond -pw rmondpass csr1000v-universalk916.03.05.SPA.bin 192.168.2.%i:bootflash:csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.SPA.bin

This will initiate 9 parallel SCP-Filetransfers:

  • nobody said, this would improve the transfer speed 😉
  • i’ll do something else in the meantime
9x PSCP-File-Transfers

Verify the transferred images

import napalm
from easysnmp import Session

#instanciate NAPALM
iosdriver = napalm.get_network_driver('ios')
#connect to device
router = iosdriver(hostname=DEVICE, username=USER,  password=PASS, optional_args={'port': 22, 'dest_file_system': 'bootflash:'})

#construct command to verify the integrity 
cliVerify=["verify /md5 "+IOSFILE+" "+IOSMD5]

Set the Bootvar and check, if it’s set

#%Error verifying 
if (result.find(VERIFIED)>-1):
    print "(1) uploaded File: OK"
    cmdBootSystem="boot system flash bootflash:csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.SPA.bin"
    #push boot-system-command to router

    cliShowBootvar=["show bootvar"]
    if (result.find("BOOT variable = "+IOSFILE)>-1):
        print "(2) boot-Variable set"
        print "=> Router "+DEVICE+" ready to reload"

Reload the Router using SNMP

        #snmp-server system-shutdown = => Value 2 => Reload
        session = Session(hostname=DEVICE, community=SNMPRW, version=2)

The Router reboots

*** --- SHUTDOWN in 0:00:00 ---
*** Message from network to all terminals:
Null Message

Be patient.

W-DCFW#show ver | inc IOS.*Version
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 16.03.05
Cisco IOS Software [Denali], CSR1000V Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.3.5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

The new software-release is up and running.

Cisco CSR1000v – additional Interfaces? Common OVF Tool (COT)!

Routers with more than three interfaces? Not that uncommon!
It might be handy, if several devices are needed with more than three interfaces, to:

  • not:
    • deploy the devices with three interfaces first
    • add the needed number of interfaces to the routers
    • attache tne new interfaces to the correct vSphere-Portgroup
  • but instead:
    • create an OVA-Template with the correct number of interfaces (one time)
    • deploy the routers and attach them during deployment to their portgroup

So using vNIC Hot-Add might be not the favourite way to work.

Common OVF Tool
COT lets you to deploy Cisco CSR1000v routers by easy to use (linux-)commands.
(Common OVF Tool (COT) – Automated Lab-Router Deployment
This is my original OVA-file already containing some basic configurations needed for NAPALM.

  • it will build a virtual router with three GigabitEthernet-Interfaces
user@ubuntu-server:~$ cot info csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.ova | egrep "(Networks|Gigabit)"
  GigabitEthernet1  "Data network 1"
  GigabitEthernet2  "Data network 2"
  GigabitEthernet3  "Data network 3"
NICs and Associated Networks:
  GigabitEthernet1 : GigabitEthernet1
  GigabitEthernet2 : GigabitEthernet2
  GigabitEthernet3 : GigabitEthernet3
  Management Interface                                    "GigabitEthernet1"

Add another Interface (long version)
Let’s use the prepared OVA and create another OVA with 4 interfaces:

user@ubuntu-server:~$ cot edit-hardware csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.ova -o csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.4IF.ova -n 4 --nic-type vmxnet3 --nic-networks "GigabitEthernet1" "GigabitEthernet2" "GigabitEthernet3" "GigabitEthernet4" --network-descriptions "Data network 1" "Data network 2" "Data network 3" "Data network 4"
Network GigabitEthernet4 is not currently defined. Create it? [y] y


user@ubuntu-server:~$ cot info csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.4IF.ova | egrep "(Networks|Gigabit)"
  GigabitEthernet1  "Data network 1"
  GigabitEthernet2  "Data network 2"
  GigabitEthernet3  "Data network 3"
  GigabitEthernet4  "Data network 4"
NICs and Associated Networks:
  GigabitEthernet1 : GigabitEthernet1
  GigabitEthernet2 : GigabitEthernet2
  GigabitEthernet3 : GigabitEthernet3
  GigabitEthernet4 : GigabitEthernet4
  Management Interface                                    "GigabitEthernet1"

Add another Interface (short version)
It’s possible to replace the long enumerations („GigabitEthernet1“ „GigabitEthernet2“ „GigabitEthernet3“ „GigabitEthernet4“) by a macro „GigabitEthernet{1}“ => the Variable {1} will get expanded to 1…2…3…4…up to the number needed. This is much more flexible when sometimes 4, sometimes 5 NICs need to be added.

user@ubuntu-server:~$ cot edit-hardware csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.ova -o csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.4IFb.ova -n 4 --nic-type vmxnet3 --nic-networks "GigabitEthernet{1}" --network-descriptions "Data network {1}"
Network GigabitEthernet4 is not currently defined. Create it? [y]

Same result as before:

user@ubuntu-server:~$ cot info csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.4IFb.ova | egrep "(Networks|Gigabit)"
  GigabitEthernet1  "Data network 1"
  GigabitEthernet2  "Data network 2"
  GigabitEthernet3  "Data network 3"
  GigabitEthernet4  "Data network 4"
NICs and Associated Networks:
  GigabitEthernet1 : GigabitEthernet1
  GigabitEthernet2 : GigabitEthernet2
  GigabitEthernet3 : GigabitEthernet3
  GigabitEthernet4 : GigabitEthernet4
  Management Interface                                    "GigabitEthernet1"

Deploy a new Router-VM using this OVA

user@ubuntu-server:~$ cot --verbose deploy csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.4IFb.ova esxi VCENTERIP/Datacenter/host/ESXiIP -u VCENTER-USER -p PASS -n CSR-4IF -d "DS-LAB" -S "telnet://:44444,server" -N GigabitEthernet1="Management" GigabitEthernet2=T24 GigabitEthernet3=T34 GigabitEthernet4=TBB -c 1CPU-4GB
INFO    : vm_description  : Loading 'csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.4IFb.ova' as OVF
INFO    : ovf             : OVF version is 1.x
INFO    : ovf             : OVF product class --> platform Cisco CSR1000V
INFO    : vm_description  : Successfully loaded OVF from csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.4IFb.ova
WARNING : deploy          : No serial connectivity information is available for 1 serial port(s) - they will not be created or configured.
INFO    : deploy_esxi     : Deploying VM...
NOTICE  : helper          : Calling 'ovftool --deploymentOption=1CPU-4GB --net:GigabitEthernet1=Management --net:GigabitEthernet2=T24 --net:GigabitEthernet3=T34 --net:GigabitEthernet4=TBB --name=CSR-4IF --datastore=DS-LAB csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.4IFb.ova vi://administrator@lab.local:VMware1!@'...
Opening OVA source: csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.05.napalm.4IFb.ova
The manifest validates
Opening VI target: vi://administrator%40lab.local@
Deploying to VI: vi://administrator%40lab.local@
Transfer Completed
Completed successfully
NOTICE  : helper          : ...done
INFO    : deploy_esxi     : FIXING up serial ports on deployed VM...
INFO    : deploy_esxi     : Serial port will be a telnet server at :44444
INFO    : deploy_esxi     : Done with serial port fixup

Isn’t it beautiful?

edit Hardware“: 4x GigabitEthernet-Interfaces

Test the created CSR1000v-Router
The forth GigabitEthernet-Interface was detected during hardware-setup:

NAPALM-1#show ip int brief
Interface              IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
GigabitEthernet1   YES DHCP   up                    up
GigabitEthernet2       unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down
GigabitEthernet3       unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down
GigabitEthernet4       unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down

The Interface works fine:

NAPALM-1#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
NAPALM-1(config)#int gig 4
NAPALM-1(config-if)#ip addr

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 2/3/4 ms

Cisco CSR1000v – additional Interfaces? vNIC Hot-Add!

My apprehension – a weird nightmare of having to shutdown the router, add the nic and boot the router again – proved wrong.
vNIC Hot-Add is supported for VMware ESXi, Citrix XenServer and KVM
Not for Hyper-V, Azure, AWS today.
Cisco: Virtual Machine Requirements
…up to 10 vNICs for ESXi btw.

  • Starting with three default-interfaces
IOS-RTR#show ip int brief
Interface              IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
GigabitEthernet1    YES NVRAM  up                    up
GigabitEthernet2       unassigned      YES NVRAM  administratively down down
GigabitEthernet3       unassigned      YES NVRAM  administratively down down
  • select the VM
  • go to „Edit Settings“
vSphere Client: Add Hardware
vSphere Client: Add Hardware
Add Ethernet NIC
Select NIC-Type „VMXNET3“
  • Next, Next, Finish
  • be patient
Dec 16 14:56:10.165: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet4, changed state to administratively down
Dec 16 14:56:11.166: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet4, changed state to down
IOS-RTR#show ip int brief
Interface              IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
GigabitEthernet1    YES NVRAM  up                    up
GigabitEthernet2       unassigned      YES NVRAM  administratively down down
GigabitEthernet3       unassigned      YES NVRAM  administratively down down
GigabitEthernet4       unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down

…Hot-Remove is supported only using a special „two-step“ strategy