Cisco UCSD: Custom Workflow Task

this is maybe just a note for myself as i found out that the UCSD-Documentation is in polite wording „somehow incomplete“.

After re-engineering some existing workflow task-scripts and playing around a bit, the good news:

  • it’s simple and straightforward to create custom workflow tasks on your own.


I wanted to create the name of newly provisioned VLANs automatically:

  • the IP-Subnet was provided by an IPAM, e.g. „“,
  • the VLAN-Names should have fixed length, had to be padded („“).

The workflow takes two task inputs:

  • the „network“,
  • the char to be used to pad the network-string to the fixed length
    • as special feature, this parameter is optional („Mandatory: false“)
UCSD - Custom Task Inputs
Custom Task Inputs

A javascript will build the padded vlan-name – the task output:

UCSD Custom Task Output
Custom Task Output

The Script fetches the inputs:

input.<Input Field Name>

a) mandatory input:

var subnet = input.subnet;

b) optional (with default-value „0“) input:

  • length „0“ => optional parameter not set

var pad = "0";
if (input.pad.length==1) {
  pad = input.pad;

The padded result is published to

output.<Output Field Name>

c) padded subnet

output.paddedSubnet = paddedSubnet;


The Script itself is straightforward:

function expand(num, size, pad) {
  if (num.length<size) {
    return expand(pad+num, size, pad);
  return num;

var subnet = input.subnet;
var paddedSubnet = "";

var pad = "0";
if (input.pad.length==1) {
  pad = input.pad;

logger.addInfo("input.subnet = "+subnet);
logger.addInfo("using pad = ["+pad+"]");
var parts = subnet.split('.');
for(var j=0; j<parts.length; j++) {
  if (paddedSubnet) {
    paddedSubnet += ".";
  paddedSubnet = paddedSubnet + expand(parts[j], 3, pad);

output.paddedSubnet = paddedSubnet;

logger.addInfo("output.subnet = "+paddedSubnet);


Cisco UCS Director (UCSD) as Unified Infrastructure Controller

Yes, I agree: this product name can’t get worse.

What’s not good with the product name „UCS Director“? It needs explanation!

Nobody in this world could guess it’s feature-set, everybody thinks it’s some additional umbrella-management on top of the UCS-Manager or UCS Central.

„Unified Infrastructure Controller“ would fit much better, since the UCSD not only automates UCS-Components, but the whole Datacenter (and more) including LAN/SAN-Switches, Firewalls and the virtualization environment like vSphere or Hyper-V.