NAPALM Validation (Static rule)

Yesterday I attended a short presentation held by David Barroso introducing the NAPALM-„Validation“-Module.

Configuring the Network fully automated is just half the way to go.
Checking the Network-State the other half.

Had to try it out the easy-way using just python (without ansible) first:

import napalm

#just to get the DICT returned by the "compliance_report"-Method in a readable manner on the screen
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()

iosdriver = napalm.get_network_driver('ios')

router = iosdriver(hostname=DEVICE, username=USER,  password=PASS, optional_args={'port': 22, 'dest_file_system': 'bootflash:'})
report = router.compliance_report("validate.yaml")


Static YAML-File
Validating against the following static „validate.yaml“-File:

- get_facts:
    hostname: CSR-1-DC
    os_version: CSR1000V Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(2)S3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
            - GigabitEthernet1
            - GigabitEthernet2
            - GigabitEthernet3
            - GigabitEthernet4
            - VirtualPortGroup0
- get_interfaces_ip:
         prefix_length: 25

leads to the following result

{u'complies': False,
 'get_facts': {u'complies': True,
               u'extra': [],
               u'missing': [],
               u'present': {'hostname': {u'complies': True,
                                         u'nested': False},
                            'interface_list': {u'complies': True,
                                               u'nested': True},
                            'os_version': {u'complies': True,
                                           u'nested': False}}},
 'get_interfaces_ip': {u'complies': False,
                       u'extra': [],
                       u'missing': [],
                       u'present': {'GigabitEthernet1': {u'complies': False,
                                                         u'diff': {u'complies': False,
                                                                   u'extra': [],
                                                                   u'missing': [],
                                                                   u'present': {'ipv4': {u'complies': False,
                                                                                         u'diff': {u'complies': False,
                                                                                                   u'extra': [],
                                                                                                   u'missing': [],
                                                                                                   u'present': {'': {u'complies': False,
                                                                                                                                 u'diff': {u'complies': False,
                                                                                                                                           u'extra': [],
                                                                                                                                           u'missing': [],
                                                                                                                                           u'present': {'prefix_length': {u'actual_value': 24,
                                                                                                                                                                          u'complies': False,
                                                                                                                                                                          u'expected_value': 25,
                                                                                                                                                                          u'nested': False}}},
                                                                                                                                 u'nested': True}}},
                                                                                         u'nested': True}}},
                                                         u'nested': True}}},
 u'skipped': []}

Whats wrong with the Router?
„nested = True“ means – the issue is downward in the datastructure.

In the example, the first Object with „nested = False“ is „prefix_length“
The Prefix-Length („Subnet-Mask“) is wrong:

  • wanted: /25-Bit
  • configured: /24-Bit.

Validate the output of commands which use additional parameters
Example: Ping to the Default-Gateway

First: Get familiar with the datastructure returned by the command:

>>> pp.pprint(""))
{u'success': {u'packet_loss': 0,
              u'probes_sent': 5,
              u'results': [{u'ip_address': u'', u'rtt': 0.0},
                           {u'ip_address': u'', u'rtt': 0.0},
                           {u'ip_address': u'', u'rtt': 0.0},
                           {u'ip_address': u'', u'rtt': 0.0},
                           {u'ip_address': u'', u'rtt': 0.0}],
              u'rtt_avg': 1.0,
              u'rtt_max': 2.0,
              u'rtt_min': 1.0,
              u'rtt_stddev': 0.0}}

add the following portion to the YAML-File:

- ping:
    _name: Default-Gateway
      destination: ""
      packet_loss: 0

Result (Success)

>>> pp.pprint(router.compliance_report("validate.yaml"))
{'Default-Gateway': {u'complies': True,
                     u'extra': [],
                     u'missing': [],
                     u'present': {'success': {u'complies': True,
                                              u'nested': True}}},

Result (failure)

>>> pp.pprint(router.compliance_report("validate.yaml"))
{'Default-Gateway': {u'complies': False,
                     u'extra': [],
                     u'missing': [],
                     u'present': {'success': {u'complies': False,
                                              u'diff': {u'complies': False,
                                                        u'extra': [],
                                                        u'missing': [],
                                                        u'present': {'packet_loss': {u'actual_value': -1,
                                                                                     u'complies': False,
                                                                                     u'expected_value': 0,
                                                                                     u'nested': False}}},
                                              u'nested': True}}},

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