vSphere vCenter – PowerShell: reliable Connection

From time to time the first try to connect to a vCenter-Server fails, building a simple loop to allow a limited number of retries fixes this possible issue.

$vSphereServer = "vcsa.local"
$vSphereUser = "administrator@vsphere.local"
$vSpherePassword = "********"

$result = @{}

$retries = 6
$viConnection = $null
while ($viConnection -eq $null) {
    # My-Logger 'Connecting to Management vCenter Server $vSphereServer ...'
    $viConnection = Connect-VIServer $vSphereServer -User $vSphereUser -Password $vSpherePassword -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($viConnection -eq $null) {
        $retries = $retries - 1
        if ($retries -eq 0) {
            throw ("Connecting to vCenter ($vSphereServer) failed ($vSphereUser): $error")
        Start-Sleep -s 10
$result.viConnection = $viConnection


Since i’m trying to get rid of Evernote, too anoying too often, i’ll start to document non-private-stuff here.

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